






FRM Today German Design Council
German Design Award 2020 award ceremony. Photo: Manuel Debus, German Design Council.

Rat für Formgebung / German Design Council

The German Design Council was founded in 1953 on the initiative of the German Bundestag. It is one of the world’s leading institutions for communication and knowledge transfer in the field of design, brand and innovation. In addition to advising companies on the subject of design, it is also committed to promoting young talent and imparting knowledge.

FRM Today Intercultural Coexistence
Bahnhofsviertel Night 2018. Photo: Büro Schramm für Gestaltung.

A city on the move

Through trade travellers and the city’s financial world, many people from all parts of the world have always come to Frankfurt, bringing their culture with them. Some stayed for a short period to conduct business, others found a new home here. All this makes Frankfurt a multicultural melting pot, with 40% of the population having a migration background. Is it always perfect? No. Whether it’s always exciting and keeps a city moving? Absolutely!

FRM Today Design Museum
Design Networking Hub. Photos: German Design Museum Foundation.

German Design Museum Foundation

The non-profit foundation supports projects in which design is communicated. These can be projects from the fields of art and culture, science or research. The only important thing is that people are encouraged to be creative and learn more about the subject of design, e.g. that the concept of design means much more than just “pretty design”, namely helping to shape one's own environment.

FRM Today solon teaser
Campaign Your Ideas, your future. Photo: Schumacher Design, solon.

Let's talk about a liveable future for a change

Solon is a non-profit enterprise that invites citizens in cities and communities in German metropolitan regions to shape a future worth living. In doing so, they use new forms of direct citizen participation, such as a citizens’ council, a digital citizens’ platform, a future festival or even go to people's homes. With the campaign “Thanks for asking”, they visit people in their neighbourhoods and ask them in familiar surroundings about their idea of a future worth living – especially those who are otherwise hardly heard.

A4 F imago images Fotostand

Building for the future

The construction industry is also facing a major change. As one of the biggest CO2 polluters, it has a duty to work on sustainable solutions and to initiate a turnaround. The Architects for Future want to promote precisely these solutions and thus stand in solidarity with the Fridays for Future movement.

DDC Competition - What's Good? 2021. Photo: DDC.

German Designer Club e.V. (DDC)

The German Designer Club – DDC – is the industry association for designers in German-speaking countries and has stood for good design since 1989. Good design is holistic and creates value for society. In order to award such works and to give them more attention, the DDC organises the creative competition “Was ist gut” (What is good) every year. In addition, the DDC publishes trade publications and magazines.

FRM Today Univ Of Applied Sciences
Exhibition Inclusive Design, visit by Japanese students from Takasaki University of Health and Welfare in February 2020.

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

The Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1971 as a state university of applied sciences in Frankfurt am Main. Research focuses on demographic change, renewable energies and mobility and logistics – areas that will continue to be of huge importance in the future.


Im Zentrum der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022 steht das Thema „Übersetzen“ in all seinen Facetten: als einziger Weg für das Wort hinaus in die Welt, als Basis für den Handel mit Literaturrechten, für die Verständigung zwischen Kulturen und inmitten von Diversität. Auch "Design for Democracy" ist auf der Agora dabei – als Tour-Finale im Oktober.

FRM Today More than vote
The DemocracyCar in front of St. Paul's Church. Photo: FGZ-RISC. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

Participation as a kit

A former public bus that travels Frankfurt’s streets as a mobile experience space for democracy. Or a toolbox with instructions for action for democracy. The mehralswählen association thinks participation in a completely new way, in a way that can be experienced in practice and is very much alive. This is all the more important at a time when democracy has to justify its existence at all times.

FRM Today Pulse Of Europe
Demo PoE, Frankfurt. Foto: Pulse of Europe.

What is Europe worth if it is not visible?

Pulse of Europe e.V. is an independent citizens’ movement that makes the European idea more visible again through demonstrations, rallies and information events. In addition, they organise projects for citizen participation. It is not only “those up there” who decide, but all of us.


FRM Today Hessen Design
Hessen Design Competition. Fotos: Hessen Design.

Hessen Design e.V.

Hessen Design is the mediation centre for design in Hessen. The association advises and networks designers, brings together ideas from business and academia, makes good design visible and awards funding from the state of Hessen.

FRM Today Digital Versions
Vision of the Digital City. Photo: Digitalstadt Darmstadt GmbH.

Digital Visions

Darmstadt was one of the first cities in Germany to adopt its own digital strategy. The aim is to implement projects that are valuable for citizens, future-oriented, secure, sustainable and based on co-determination. Since then, an urban digital ecosystem has been growing in Darmstadt, consisting of many different projects that create tangible benefits for everyone. And with success! Darmstadt regularly appears at the top of the list when it comes to Germany's smartest cities.

FRM Today University of Applied Sciences
Work from the field of communication design, text + image, h_da.

h_da Hochschule Darmstadt

The Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences, is one of the ten largest universities in Germany and stands for teaching that combines research and practice. 17 different Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in architecture, media and design make it a central location for training young designers.

Ausstellung 221921 Braun 202122 im Museum des IN Te F in Darmstadt

Das erste und älteste Designinstitut Deutschlands

Das INTeF - Institut für Neue Technische Form e.V. - ist das erste und älteste Designinstitut Deutschlands, es wurde 1951 gegründet. Seitdem wurden über 360 Ausstellungen zum Thema Industriedesign in den eigenen Räumen und außerhalb realisiert. Gründungsmitglieder waren Prinz Ludwig von Hessen, die Stadt Darmstadt und Firmen aus der Region. Von 1952 bis 2007 war der Sitz des INTeF im jetzigen Designhaus an der Mathildenhöhe. Seit 2018 ist das INTeF im „Waben“ am Friedensplatz zu Hause, definiert sich aber weiterhin als Verein zur Förderung von Kunst und Gestaltung, Kleinserie und Industrieprodukt.

Frankfurt / Darmstadt / Mainz

FRM Today Werkbund
LOEWE Research Centre for Biodiversity and Climate BiK-F by Ferdinand Kramer, Revitalisation 2013 exhibition at the Deutscher Werkbund. Photo: SSP Architects, Engineers.

Deutscher Werkbund e.V.

The Deutscher Werkbund has been advancing design for over 100 years - without profit and without industrial support. This allows it to freely, independently and controversially support ideas that would otherwise not have been possible. Along with the Bauhaus, the Deutscher Werkbund is one of the outstanding institutions in the first half of the 20th century that created the foundations of modern design.

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Werkbundakademie Darmstadt e.V.

The Werkbund Academy Darmstadt, founded by the umbrella organisation Deutscher Werkbund and initiator of the World Design Capital Frankfurt RheinMain bid, serves to raise awareness of good quality in the design of a humane environment in the interaction of art, technology, media, industry, science, crafts and trade. A special focus is on the cultural and urban development history of the city of Darmstadt and the Rhine-Main region. In relation to the WDC application, it has endowed the art prize RegionalGestalt RheinMain and organised several workshops and conferences.

Darmstadt / Berlin

FRM Today Design for Democracy
Platform Deign Democracy. Animation: designdemocracy.

Making grievances visible

Design Democracy is a project that uses graphic design to draw attention to political and social problems. The digital posters that are created in the process are to be distributed in the social media like flyers and attract attention. The effect: tolerance and respect instead of hate and generalisation.


FRM Today Sebastian Herkner
Sebastian Herkner in the studio. Photo: Ramon Haindl.

Sebastian Herkner

Sebastian Herkner’s products are high-quality, personal and honest. Inspired by people, built for people. Sebastian Herkner gets his ideas from observing interactions and cultures from all over the world. He always remains true to classic craftsmanship and combines this with new technologies. For example, his “Caribe” furniture series was created in collaboration with Colombian craftsmen. Herkner studied product design at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach and founded his own studio in 2006. Since then, the multi-award-winning designer has worked for world-renowned brands and, in addition to furniture, also designs exhibitions and trade fair presentations.

FRM Today Emilie Burfeind
Emilie Burfeind with her Sneature. Foto: Britta Hüning, Hessen Design e.V.

Emilie Burfeind

A shoe to throw away - this is exactly what Emilie Burfeind left her first big exclamation mark on the design world with. Her diploma project “Sneature”, a biodegradable sneaker, won numerous awards. The shoe is made from biological waste materials and can be composted after use. An infinitely good idea for finite resources.

Department of Design at the HfG. Exhibition of student projects.

HfG Hochschule für Gestaltung

The Offenbach University of Art and Design (HfG) is an art college of the State of Hesse. The courses offered include two specialisations – art and design. It is not unusual for the lecturers to take on a mentoring role and the relationship with the students is characterised by great openness. The HfG sees itself as a school in the tradition of the HfG Ulm. Influenced by the Second World War, the Ulm approach was not just to design beautiful posters and lamps, but rather to change society in a positive way. It wanted to contribute to the emergence of a peaceful, democratic and free society. The HfG Offenbach still passes this view on to its students today.

Ledermuseum Lederjacken

Ledergewinnung und Lederverarbeitung - vom Handwerk zum globalen Anspruch

Das Deutsche Ledermuseum ist das weltweit einzige Museum, das die Herstellung, Verzierung und Verwendung des Materials Leder präsentiert. Im Jahre 1917 wurde es von Hugo Eberhardt in der Lederstadt Offenbach am Main ursprünglich als Sammlung von historischen Vorbildern für die Ausbildung junger Handwerker, Entwerfer und Lederwarenproduzenten gegründet. Der Intention Eberhards folgend, die Ledergewinnung und Lederverarbeitung aller Zeiten und aller Völker zu dokumentieren, konnten mehr als 30.000 Exponate zusammengetragen werden, und das Haus entwickelte sich schnell zu einem Museum mit globalem Anspruch.

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Wiege der Lithografie

Offenbach ist ein maßgeblicher Ort der Druckgeschichte, es gilt als Wiege der Lithografie und die Schriftgießerei der Gebrüder Klingspor zeichnet für gewaltige Innovationen im Bereich der Schriftgestaltung verantwortlich. Offenbach ist allerdings auch heute noch ein lebendiger Ort des Druckens. Nicht nur als Sitz eines der weltführenden Unternehmen für Druckmaschinen, sondern auch als Ort innovativer Druckkunst, die in kleinen Werkstätten entsteht.


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Panorama der Stadtentwicklung

No period before saw such great changes and disruptions in Germany and the entire world as the century between the 1848 Revolution and the reconstruction after the Second World War. As if through a burning glass, the phenomena of this period can be observed in Hanau's history. Whether artistic styles, modern building, wars and crises, the struggle for participation or the personal networks in the city - the exhibition of the Hanau Historical Museum Schloss Philippsruhe shows the entire panorama of the city's development over a century that has shaped it to this day. It presents the democratic and liberal upswings in the city as well as its setbacks. It also shows Hanau's development into an industrialised commercial city with its innovations and shortcomings. The focus is on paintings, sculptures and decorative art objects of international standing. They reveal the outstanding artistic quality of Hanau's artists such as August Gaul, Hugo Leven or Wilhelm Wagenfeld and the Hanau Drawing Academy.


Brüder Grimm Berufsakademie Hanau, Innovation und Design dual studieren.

Aus der Staatlichen Zeichenakademie ging die Brüder Grimm Berufsakademie Hanau (BGBA ‐ University of Coopera ve Educa on) hervor. Seit nun 10 Jahren bietet die BGBA ein völlig neues und deutschlandweit einzigar ges Konzept für die dualen Studiengänge Produktgestaltung, Designmanagement und Innova onsmanagement und Marke ng an. Neben der dualen Verbindung von Handwerk und Design spielen Konzepte für die Wertschöpfungske en der Zukun , im Fokus von Industrie 4.0, Nachhal gkeit und sozialem Wandel eine wich ge Rolle.

Bild ZA

250 Jahre Zeichenakademie

Die Staatliche Zeichenakademie ist eine der ältesten ihrer Art in Europa und bis heute eine Institution. 250 Jahre sind seit der Gründung der „Academie der Zeichenkunst“ vergangen. Eine Vorreiterrolle nahm die Schule in der Ausbildung von Frauen ein. Als eine der ersten Akademien in Deutschland unterrichtete sie auch Frauen. Zunächst in Kunststickerei, aber auch in die Metallklasse erhielten sie bald Zugang. Seit 2012 Jahren ist an der Hanauer Zeichenakademie außerdem die Brüder-Grimm-Berufsakademie angeschlossen, die im Dualen Studium mit dem Bachelor und dem Berufsfachschulabschluss beendet wird.

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Gold- und Silberschmiedekunst von Bedeutung

Das Deutsche Goldschmiedehaus Hanau gehört zu den bedeutendsten Ausstellungszentren der Gold- und Silberschmiedekunst in Deutschland. Die Themen der vielseitigen Ausstellungen reichen von Retrospektiven einzelner Schmuck - und Gerätegestalter bis hin zu thematischen Ausstellungen, aber auch die Präsentation unterschiedlicher Künstlergruppen und wichtiger Ausbildungsstätten gehören zum Programm.


FRM Today Dieter Rams
Dieter Rams 2009. Foto: Ged Carroll, CC BY 2.0.

Dieter Rams

His formal language and design ideas inspired Apple and his “ten theses for good design” are part of the basic knowledge of every designer. Dieter Rams, who lives in Kronberg im Taunus, is a design icon and his designs and thinking are appreciated all over the world. For more than 30 years, he was head of design at the electrical appliance manufacturer Braun, where he created numerous works that are particularly characterised by very clear, reduced forms, material justice and ease of use.

See conference 15

Carrying change forward

In addition to data visualisation, the see conference is now increasingly concerned with sustainable concepts and how social truths can prevail in the flood of information through illustration. Always the focus: inspiration. Creative minds and thinkers from the fields of design, art, architecture, journalism, philosophy, technology and business will be on stage. They all have one thing in common: they want to make a contribution to society at a high aesthetic level.

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Rams Plattenspieler-ein Lieblingsstück im sam

Im Marktkeller hat das Stadtmuseum Wiesbaden - sam- seine Heimat gefunden. Das sam präsentiert die Ausstellung Lieblingsstücke zur Wiesbadener Stadtgeschichte sowie die Kinderausstellung "Die spinnen, die Mattiaker!" und bietet ausreichend Raum für Sonderausstellungen sowie. eine Multifunktionsfläche. Die über 15.000 Objekte, die in den letzten zehn Jahren zusammengetragen wurden, stammen vornehmlich aus dem 19. bis 21. Jahrhundert und haben - so unterschiedlich sie sind - eines gemeinsam: Den Bezug zur Stadt Wiesbaden und ihren Bürgerinnen und Bürgern. So auch einOriginal Plattenspieler von BRAUN, Designer Dieter Rams.

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Hochschule RheinMain

1971 als Fachhochschule Wiesbaden gegründet ging sie aus der Vereinigung der Ingenieursschulen in Idstein, Geisenheim und Rüsselsheim sowie der ehemaligen Werkkunstschule in Wiesbaden hervor. Seitdem hat die Hochschule RheinMain ihr Portfolio in Studium und Lehre, Forschung und Transfer innovativ, interdisziplinär und international weiterentwickelt. Die digitale Transformation war und ist dabei für die HSRM in zwei Dimensionen eine wichtige Herausforderung: Auf der einen Seite erhalten die Studierenden die relevanten Skills, die sie in der beruflichen Praxis des digitalen Zeitalters benötigen. Auf der anderen Seite setzen sich Lehre und Forschung mit Themen der Digitalisierung auseinander, beispielsweise mit Künstlicher Intelligenz, Robotik und Machine Learning.


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